Sunday, November 4, 2012

Journal 4: New All Over in 'Star Wars'

With my roommate a fan of 'Star Wars', I thought reading up on it would provide an interesting discussion between us later. I came across the article " 'Star Wars': Three new movies, Lucas wont write or direct" by Gina McIntyre  and continued to read about how The Walt Disney Co. will be making three new 'Star Wars' movies; the first predicted to come out in 2015. George Lucas however will surprisingly only be a creative consultant. He has given his ideas for the next three movies to Kathleen Kennedy who will be executive producer for these three films.

George Lucas and ILM visual effects supervisor Dennis Muren (center) on set of “Return of the Jedi” (ILM)

I have not yet discussed this topic with my roommate, but I am interested to see what her response will be. Personally, I am a bit worried on if the movies will be weakened due to Lucas not being actively involved. The movies will be strong either way, but there is a risk, in my opinion, for Kathleen's personality and characteristics and techniques to change 'Star Wars'. I would like to know what others think, and would encourage you to express you opinions in the comments section of this post. In presumably 2015 when the first new 'Star Wars' movie hits theaters we will along with Lucas be able to be in the critics position searching for positive and negative changes in the 'Star Wars' theme and story line.


  1. Wow. I was completely unaware that Disney is coming out with three new star wars movies. I am not much of a star wars fan either but I can see myself going to see these movies just to see how the visual effects have changed and advanced from the original movies years back. I agree however, that there is a risk in making the films. The original movies are classics... in the past, I've noticed that remakes of classics do not always do the best in theaters. I am interested to see how well the first movie does as well.

  2. Well, I also like Star Wars and I was quite disappointed that Disney is remaking three movies. I feel I am a bit of a hypocrit when it comes to this topic because many remakes are not done very well. I feel like I may want to go to these movies just to see what they are like in my own opinion. I also agree with Sydney's point that certain remakes of classics are not done as well, my least favorite remake of all time is Footloose.

  3. I just heard that Disney is coming out with new Star Wars movies, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I agree that a lot of remakes arent as well done as the originals...which makes me wonder why most people attempt them when the originals were so great.
