Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Library Excursion

Our adventure began on the 5th floor of the menacing building on the Stevens Point campus disguised as the library.
There we found our first purple paw print clue utilizing our detective and call number skills that we acquired on our way through life. We discovered that the actor Charlie Chaplin was not only an actor but also a comedian throughout his life. From this we inferred that one of the letters to our puzzle was
Next we ventured back to the 4th floor of the so called library where we discovered the IMC containing a large CD collection. We heard that Stevie was browsing here earlier, so we took a closer look. Upon snooping, we came across another purple paw print clue and were lead to the album of The Rolling Stones and knew that
had to be another letter to our puzzle.
Climbing to the 5th floor (or taking the elevator) we followed the pirate trail of clues to the "stacks" otherwise known as bright green shelves. We searched for what seemed minutes for the Animal Biochemistry subjects until we finally laid our eyes upon them. Feverishly we searched the study cages near by in the hopes of coming across Stevie when we came across a monkey in exchange for the letter
 Getting lost on the way, we made our way to the 6th floor and which contains U.S. government publications. We found a poster of "how to find a U.S. publication" marked by a purple paw and saw that the call number for Smithsonian Institution is
On the 2nd floor, we knew that the 'current' issues of the newspaper names after Stevie were kept there, so we logically assumed that that would be a logical place to look. However, sadly we just recieved another letter
from the worker there.
Sharks! That's always a smart place to look, on the first floor we found the Museum of Natural Resourses where we came across another clue leading us a bird egg giving birth to our next letter
for Alaska.
Just a few feet away, the periodicals stand. There the keeper gave us a slip of paper with
printed on it in exchange for the answer to a question.
 With all of the letters at hand, we went to our thinking chair(like in Blue's Clues) and put things together.
That is the answer! We raced to the 5th floor where the archives are found and rescued out dear friend Stevie.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Inspiring Music

Bach was an amazing musician in his lifetime and can still be found in life today. In the article "Reinventing Bach" by Paul Elie the story of how Bach plays a role in Albert Schweitzer's life is told. The story can be summarized as such: Albert had a passion for music especially Bach's music, but instead went into medicine and was inspired to help the poor. At an old age, Schweitzer decided that he was going to made albums of Bach's music played on the organ; his favorite being Fugue in D minor and use the profits to fund for clinics in Africa where he worked. 

Music Imagery


I really enjoyed this article because I too share an appreciation and joy for Bach and most other music. It is inspiring and can effect a person deeply.  Although I may not be as talented as Schweitzer is in music, but I do enjoy enveloping my time in music as he did. Through reading this article I feel inspired to look into a personal future somehow involving music whether it be singing in church or learning to play the piano. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Hunger Games

Effie, district 12’s chaperone, reaches her dainty hands with purple and white pained nails into the large fishbowl shaped vase. With a few twirls of her wrist she finally chooses the piece of paper that holds the name of the tribute. Grasping it, she walks back to her microphone, unfolds the paper, takes a deep breath reading the name and announces, “Prim Rose Everdeen”. In the crowd of children dressed in their worm out dim clothes, everyone backs away from Prim as she comes to the reality that her name has been called. As the camera shifts to her sister Katniss you can see the look of horror and confusion on Katniss’s face. The camera shifts back to Prim, she is holding back tears and coming to the realization her life will not last much longer. Effie coaxes her toward the stage. Prim slowly begins to allow her feet to move toward the stage when she remembers her little duck tail Katniss pointed out earlier and tucks it in as she moves. The other young girls can say or do nothing but back away and look at Prim. The camera shifts to Prim’s mom and you can tell she is holding everything back. As Prim makes it into view and Katniss first sets eyes on her Katniss cannot bear to see her young sister being a tribute. Katniss steps into the aisle and calls out to her sister in a first weak voice and then screams “I volunteer! I volunteer!” The guards hold her back until she retains composure, stands up straight and claims, “I volunteer as tribute.” A thing said that cannot be taken back.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Movie Review Homework

Realism is when a movie remains in our own realm of being.  There is nothing that would be impossible to happen in our own lives in movies considered to possess the title of realism. An example of this that I first thought of was Hangover. There is nothing in this movie that could not happen to a group or friends going on a trip. The probability is low yes, but it is possible. Anti-realism is when a movie is produced that resides in a different realm of being. Things that wouldn’t actually happen in the viewer’s life would be considered an anti-realism movie. A good example of this would be Twilight because vampires are not really, but they conduct the story/movie in a way that it becomes believable that in the actors lives there could be vampires. Verisimilitude happens when whatever a film consists of becomes believable within the realm of the world in the film. A wonderful example of this is The Chronicles of Narnia series. Although they are based off of books and can’t take all of the credit, the production causes viewers really to believe that in Narnia things actually is the way that the film shows/tells the viewer that they are.

Chic flicks or romantic comedies all typically follow the same theme. This is as such: girl and boy are meant to be, something is not right and is keeping them apart, problem solved, and girl and boy end up together forever. Every/most girls love these girly but funny movies because we picture it happening to ourselves; the perfect romantic ending. Producers know we love it, so that are very willing to sell it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Journal 4: New All Over in 'Star Wars'

With my roommate a fan of 'Star Wars', I thought reading up on it would provide an interesting discussion between us later. I came across the article " 'Star Wars': Three new movies, Lucas wont write or direct" by Gina McIntyre  and continued to read about how The Walt Disney Co. will be making three new 'Star Wars' movies; the first predicted to come out in 2015. George Lucas however will surprisingly only be a creative consultant. He has given his ideas for the next three movies to Kathleen Kennedy who will be executive producer for these three films.

George Lucas and ILM visual effects supervisor Dennis Muren (center) on set of “Return of the Jedi” (ILM)

I have not yet discussed this topic with my roommate, but I am interested to see what her response will be. Personally, I am a bit worried on if the movies will be weakened due to Lucas not being actively involved. The movies will be strong either way, but there is a risk, in my opinion, for Kathleen's personality and characteristics and techniques to change 'Star Wars'. I would like to know what others think, and would encourage you to express you opinions in the comments section of this post. In presumably 2015 when the first new 'Star Wars' movie hits theaters we will along with Lucas be able to be in the critics position searching for positive and negative changes in the 'Star Wars' theme and story line.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Journal 3: My Man, Edward

As I stop to think about my favorite movie, Tim Burton comes to my mind as he always does. Maybe it is the Halloween spirit, but this time when I decide which of the movies that Tim Burton produced is my favorite nothing but Edward Scissorhands comes to mind . Edward Scissorhands is a movie about an experiment that came to life; this experiment, played by Johnny Depp, is complete with a heart but has sharp objects for fingers. When Edward, the experiment, finally ventures outside, he goes through numerous different trials where he experiences happiness, sadness, friends, loneliness, and love. He in the end returns to his home alone because that was no other way for him to stay safe.


Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Make Better Than Sex Cake

By: Jenna Crawley, Amanda King, Kirby Reehl, Shannon Sward
The upcoming months are beginning to seem stressful as you have been put in charge of finding the perfect cake for your sister’s bridal shower. As you search the web, you find many cakes, but none of them seem quite right. You find Crème de Menthe, but you’re not old enough to buy the alcohol. Your next thought is to make rice cakes, but these might not be appealing to all of the guests. Then you find it: Better than Sex Cake. It seems to be the most ideal choice. However, you don’t know quite how to make it. Our goal is to help you make the best Better Than Sex Cake for your sister to enjoy at her bridal shower.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Journal 2: Michonne's Katana Skills

Michonne in The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is a popular series featured on AMC where Danai Gurira has a leading role.  In the post "Walking Dead: Michonne actress Danai Gurira talks katana skills" writer Gina McIntyre briefly describes talks about Danai's past experience with sword fighting, and how she has come to have such natural skills in her fighting techniques. 

This article by Gina McIntyre was insightful on the well loved character Michonne from The Walking Dead. I found it interesting and encouraging that the actress has put so much work into her katana skills in order for that to be swift and natural looking for the TV series. However, I do wish that more actors and actresses would put forward that much effort.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Better Than Sex Cake

Better Than Sex Cake is the most amazing cake that has ever touched my lips.  There is not a human on earth that I would wish apon them that they would never sample this experience.  I would like to decreace the number of people living life without ever tasting Better Than Sex Cake by sharing with you how you can easily creat this astronomical desert.

To make Better Than Sex Cake there is always a trip to the grocery store trip needed before starting dur to the variety of needed ingredients.  Once all ingredients have been gathered, you must follow the directions very carefully.  The first step is to prepare and bake the cake; once the cake is done cooking, you poke large holes into it with the end of awooden spoon or other small and long circular ended object.  Warm the jar of carmel in the microwave being careful that it does not bubble too high; pour the melted carmel onto the cake fully soaking it into the holes.  Chill the cake in the fridge until the cake is a bit chilly.  Remove the cake from the fridge and speard whipped cream onto the top and sprinkle crushed heath bard onto the top. Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Journal 1: Maraniss's Argument

David Maraniss's argument titled "Winning Actually isn't the Only Thing" was inspiring in the way that he did not put down the refs that made the bad call, but instead focused his anger on the ones who are pretending that it was a good call.  Through his writing, David expressed dissaproval towards Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson. In the end, David relized that he was more at ease that is that Seattle that won then if the Packers would have won due to a bad call.

I strongly agree with David Maraniss's view point of the Seattle-Packer game. I would not have felt proud of my Packers if they had won by default. The tight game was an enjoyment to watch and will only drive my boys to keep working, training, and playing harder. Sometimes a loss here and there is a good thing for a person or team. I am dissapointed yes, but look forward to the next game.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Disconnected Reflection

                Computers as an addiction? I never took the time to realize how much we truly use our computers, and how much we use them for.  Our society depends so greatly on technology that it is difficult for the three students to go without the use of computers. The idea that a student’s grade can be affected, that some things cannot be subbed out, and that teachers would not always be supportive of this experiment blew my mind.


I love Jenna Marbles! She is my favorite youtube channel to watch.

My Fist Blog Post

This is a test post;)